Making our community a safer, healthier place.

“I want to put Drug Treatment Court to work for Allegan. Without a change in our court operations we will continue to spend time, energy, and our tax dollars, to incarcerate addicts; never addressing the revolving-door that drug and alcohol offenders move through in our criminal justice system.”


Drug Treatment Courts recognize addiction is a complex problem. They provide comprehensive therapeutic interventions, treatment, and other services to increase participants’ periods of abstinence and reduce the rate of relapse, re-arrest, and re-incarceration.

Drug treatment courts are specially designed to reduce recidivism and substance abuse among nonviolent substance-abusing offenders and to increase the offenders' likelihood of successful rehabilitation through early, continuous, and intense judicially-supervised treatment, mandatory drug testing, and use of sanctions.*

*Michigan Drug Treatment Courts

“When someone has committed a heinous assaultive act, or made crime a lifelong career, incarceration is necessary and I will sentence with a heavy hand. When someone has possessed or used illegal substances I want to focus our limited resources on fighting addiction to reunite families and reduce crime.”

“In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are.”
Max De Pree